Dom0 memory squeeze

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Today hit the wall with all the domU's going off the network on one of my dom0 systems (RedHat EL 5.2 64 bit). Looking around and found the following error comming up in /var/log/messages:

May  7 09:44:55 dom0-04 kernel: xen_net: Memory squeeze in netback driver.

To fix the problem I changed /boot/grub/menu.lst

kernel /xen.gz-2.6.18-128.1.6.el5 dom0_mem=1024M

and changing dom0-min-mem to the same value from default 256M to 1G, as I set in /boot/grub/menu.lst

(dom0-min-mem 1024)

So far so good.

The clues came from here and here