Pulsar on FreeBSD

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NOTE: I wrote this based on the records I kept on my PDA. It's not detailed, but enough to get things working. The major problem I had was that I've been able to build and make it work under FreeBSD 5.4, but any attempt to get it running on 6.2 or 7-RELEASE at the time was unsuccessful and I gave up after few late nights spent battling my way through. Later I got the new Traverse card Viking (http://www.traverse.com.au/productview.php?product_id=115), which is now is the one I have in my router for nearly a year and it works like a charm.

I've got my hands on a Traverse PCI DSL card (http://www.traverse.com.au/productview.php?product_id=21) and decided to try and get the beast working in my home router.

I used Renaud's document as the basis for configuring PPP to work with DSL line (http://renaud.waldura.com/doc/freebsd/pppoe/)

Basic Modem Configuration for my DSL provider was:

Username: eircom 
Password: broadband1 
Encapsulation: PPPoE
Multiplexing: LLC Based
VPI: 8
VCI: 35
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

The sources I'm using is pulsar-freebsd-20051128.tgz taken from http://sourceforge.net/projects/openadsl/files/

atm_aal/atm_aal.c and atm_aal5.c need change:

-#include <net/atm_aal.h>
+#include "atm_aal.h"

when making in pulsar-freebsd-20051128/ng_atmllc do the following (PULSAR is the name of the kernel!):

cp /usr/src/sys/i386/compile/PULSAR/opt_netgraph.h .

the rest builds fine.

reload modules, otherwise ngctl will not work correctly.

pulsar#  kldunload ng_atmllc.ko
pulsar#  kldunload ng_eiface.ko
pulsar#  kldload ng_atmllc.ko
pulsar#  kldload ng_eiface.ko

check that the following is there:

pulsar# kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 1   12 0xc0400000 3b549c   kernel
 4    2 0xc07c2000 2fa0     atm_aal.ko
 5    1 0xc07c5000 42bd0    if_pls.ko
 7    1 0xc080b000 580b0    acpi.ko
 8    1 0xc1d7f000 3000     ng_atmllc.ko
 9    1 0xc1d82000 3000     ng_eiface.ko 
10    1 0xc1dd5000 4000     ng_ether.ko

now run ngctl:

pulsar# ngctl mkpeer pls0: atmllc dsl atm
pulsar# ngctl mkpeer pls0:dsl eiface ether ether
pulsar# ngctl msg pls0:dsl.ether set 00:00:12:34:45:56
pulsar# ngctl msg pls0: cpcsinit { name=\"dsl\" vpi=8 vci=35 aal=5 }


 set device PPPoE:ngeth0
 set speed sync
 set mru 1492
 set mtu 1492
 set ctsrts off
 disable lqr
 set log phase tun
 add default HISADDR
 ### nat enable yes # use this as gateway for LAN
 enable dns                             # request DNS info (for resolv.conf)
 ### disable ipv6cp <--- maybe this one too
 set authname eircom
 set authkey broadband1
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