Configuring SVN server in OSX

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I develop a nanoBSD based appliance and needed to access SVN repository hosted on my Mac from a FreeBSD VM running on the same Mac. Asking almighty Google to find me an appropriate article, I came across this one, which helped a lot.

One of the people commented that he used built-in _svn account to run the server, so I decided to try it.

My repository is sitting somewhere inside my Documents folder, so I thought it may be a problem even after I change ownership of the repository directory. Quick check of group ownership showed that it may be just fine since _svn and my own account belong to the same group - staff. But....

In the FreeBSD VM I created test directory to check out SVN based project to and tried to check it out:

daemon# mkdir svn_test
daemon# cd svn_test/
daemon# svn checkout svn://
svn: Malformed network data

Doh! What's wrong?

daemon# telnet 3690
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
svnserve: E000013: Can't check path '/Users/alex/Documents/Personal/SVNrepos': Permission denied
Connection closed by foreign host.

So, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Checked rights on Documents directory and there it was:

alex-markelovs-macbook-2:mis alex$ ls -ld /Users/alex/Documents/
drwx------@ 156 alex  staff  5304 10 Nov 15:27 /Users/alex/Documents/

A quick fix:

alex-markelovs-macbook-2:mis alex$ sudo chmod g+x /Users/alex/Documents
alex-markelovs-macbook-2:mis alex$ ls -ld /Users/alex/Documents/
drwx--x---@ 156 alex  staff  5304 10 Nov 15:27 /Users/alex/Documents/

Back into FreeBSD VM and try again:

daemon# telnet 3690
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries commit-revprops depth log-revprops atomic-revprops partial-replay ) ) )

Works! Now I need to assess, if I want to leave it like that or go 'water tight' and move repositories out of my home directory completely.

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